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Thursday, August 25, 2005

Just got home from the gas station to get an oil change for my car...

And I met this really interesting man, who looked like Santa Claus from a distance!! Teehee!! As he got closer, I noticed that he wore an old blue cap, black-rimmed glasses (which at first I thought were his shades), and brown boots. He looked like a cross between Santa Claus (he did have a long, fluffy white beard) and a fisherman (with the boots)... But interestingly, he got to the station on a nice red-and-black Yamaha motorcycle to get it inspected. (I told him half-jokingly and half-seriously that it would be nice if I got a motorcyle. I like the wind, but I'm so tired of the gas prices going up. I have to spend like $50 a week on gas! *screams in frustration*)

He was telling me how I-45S, Nasa Road, etc. used to be a 2-lane freeway 30 years ago until the city added more lanes... Then he told me about how he used to drive his motorcycle (not the one that got inspected today though) to work some 5-10 years ago... Oh yeah, he did have to wear a rain suit and galoshes to keep dry on rainy days. And wore gloves to get a good grip on the handle bars on rainy/cold days as well. It's kinda amusing just listening to him ramble on about the advantages and disadvantages of riding a motorcycle versus ways to convserve gas and the importance of conservation/environmental concerns, etc. vs. driving 4-cylinder cars (like mine: Honda Accord) or at least fuel-efficient cars... And all the while, I'm thinking of that book we used to read in high school?... What was it??


Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

I wondered if he read that book.

Plus, he has such an energetic personality... It was contagious. All the employees at the gas station were a bit more talkative and non-soporific. (I just think they were bored before I even got there.)

Ah, at least I'm glad I don't have to wait at a gas station that long for the mechanics to finish the services I paid for. I'm telling you, next to waiting in the doc's office for an appointment is waiting at a gas station/mechanic/body shop... It always takes forever!!!

But just for today, it was only 20 minutes AND I went home happy.

// rambled by A~Lotus at 11:28:00 AM
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© Kathy Nguyen, 2000-present.
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