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Blog & Mini-Site...

Rambles, ponderings, rants, and nonsense...


Sunday, April 10, 2005

1. Either I'm getting busy-er with the new addition of blog-friends every time, or Time is being a pain and has given me enough to do so that I won't be stuck on the computer 24/7! Or maybe it's both. LOL.

2. I'm a hopeless romantic. And this fits me well. I want a soulmate, or am I being too picky?

Your Icon is..... by d3athofs3asons
Your Name
Your Age
Your B-day
Your Icon Is....
Quiz created with MemeGen!

3. Seriously, I have forgotten that I'm now 20. My birthday was like 5 months ago, and I totally forgot that I'm 20! I guess as you get older, you forget what's your exact age, because then, you already know how you are (and you've already established your self-identity and habits, and you can't change them).

4. Life is good. Teachers are being oh-so-totally nice lately and so they've pushed back a test date and a paper due date. More time for me. Less headachy.

5. This conversation with my friend in stats class made me think:

E: So, how did you feel when you heard about the pope passing away?
Me: I dunno. A bit sad, mostly regret. I missed the chance of being able to see him in person when there was that World Youth Day in Canada two years ago... How about you?
E: Sad. When I was watching TV, I cried. I guess it made me realize what a strong Catholic I really am---that I'm a strong believer. I mean, I never knew him personally, and I didn't keep up with all of his travels, but the pope passing away had a big effect on me.

I nodded. It made me think. If I were to go back in time, I would've gone to Canada. And I remember that day when I first heard about the night before he was about to pass away---the condition he was in. It made me solemn and little tears were sprinkling around the edges of my eyes, but I didn't cry. Not like my friend did anyway. It made me think how strong I am as a Catholic. How much I'm a believer in Catholicism. Sure, there are some things I don't understand, but faith and doing good deeds are like the trademark of Catholicism, and Pope John Paul II is a great example. And maybe because of that trademark, I believe in miracles through prayer, faith, and doing good deeds for the benefit of humanity. And with the pope who's already passed away, it would be interesting to see the future of a papal era.

My one wish is that we would somehow keep world peace and lend a hand to others, and make it as stable as possible (even though it's not entirely, but we can all still try). It takes more than cooperation, and the world leaders and their peoples need to know and realize that... and make it happen.

6. Despite everything, I managed to set aside some little time working on my next blog layout. It fits the spring and summer seasons.

7. One more month to go before school's over! Summer is here! Time for bringing out more of the great body workout on a weekly basis! Otherwise, I'll be frying under the sun, and suffocating on a clogged heart! (I can feel it when I need a good workout!)

Love you guys! Take care, and be good!

// rambled by A~Lotus at 3:49:00 PM
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© Kathy Nguyen, 2000-present.
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