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Rambles, ponderings, rants, and nonsense...


Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Somehow this little meme is strangely 97% accurate!! It made me laugh though:

What Kind of Geek are You?
Favourite Color
Your IQ is frighteningly high
You are a word nerd
Your strength is you never need to sleep
Your weakness is chocolate
You think normal people are aliens
Normal people think that you are deranged
This Quiz by owlsamantha - Taken 195835 Times.
New - How do you get a guy to like you?

Ah, where was I? Like I said, my little vacation (Spring Break) was too short, but a huge relief, since I didn't have to worry about exams after the break (which is why I'm laughing on the inside for sympathy of my peers who are taking exams all this week). Hehe. I'm FREEEEE!!

But it was relaxing. Watched movies (you guys should check out Cellular), cleaned up more of my stuff for the move. I think we will officially settle into our new home sometime in late May or so. Couldn't get around to reading for leisure, since I had enough things to do on my hands...

Anyway, I've been gone for a while, haven't I? I guess that's a mini-break also from Blogdom. I've been out and about. And I'm still slow on time. I'm still in February-mode, not March. I guess it's because February was too short.

I'm going to have to push myself harder and transform myself into a playwriting-demon. Seriously, I have so many little stories I want to write about, but I just don't know how to start them! I love Playwriting class, but I got to have at least 1 play done by this week, because my whole portfolio will be due sometime in April! And time is fast approaching!! You guys will help me proofread, edit, and critique them, right? I will give you lots of cyber-HUGS for sure! *smiles* (*near in panic mode*)

Anyway, the next couple of weeks will be an exciting time for me. I'll be engrossing myself in some kind of psychological research on a volunteer basis. I think this new project deals with marriage... Then I'll be inducted in the Psi Chi Honor Society (it's an honor society for psychology), and maybe run for president in the Psych Club? Oh, and I almost forgot: attending my cousin's engagement party pretty soon. And doing other really neat projects and activities which I can't remember at the moment... and there are still other activities that I want to do which I don't know much about yet... So BUSY is my middle name.

I'll get around to say "boo!" and "hello" to you guys pretty soon. I miss reading all of your blogs/sites! It's been more than a week, and I've missed a lot, didn't I? *wink* Anyway, take care, everyone! *huggles*

P.S. I love this weather now. Sunny, yet cool, and a bit breezy... I like Houston this time of year, when the days are like this and NOT b****ly RAINY! (Seriously, I think the Houston skies just love throwing outrageous tantrums. We have the floods, torn-off roofs, flipped-over cars, water-buried cars, vibrating walls and windows, etc. to prove that! Luckily not in my neighborhood!)

// rambled by A~Lotus at 3:41:00 PM
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© Kathy Nguyen, 2000-present.
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